Saturday, 21 January 2017

A glorious unfolding: His Word, My Faith

Last weekend, in a moment of worship, I uttered the following prayer; Lord, turn my eyes to you, tune my heart with yours, centre my life on you, teach my heart your love and fix my eyes on you! In this season of my life, I am discovering that I have forgotten God in my day to day life -too often, particularly in the workplace prayer is my last resort instead of my first response. Yet He remains faithful!

Our Pastor recently preached about being loved AND led by God using scripture from Matthew 4:18-22 and John 21: 2-7 to demonstrate that Jesus meets us where we are at, invites us to follow him and calls us higher. 

(Pastor Jason Boucher/ From moment to Movement at LifeCentre. org

Pastor Jason vulnerably shared with us a story from his own life to illustrate how my moment of connection with Jesus will be undeniably me; Jesus’ way of connecting with me is through His Word and my Faith – He connects the dots of my past revelations and experiences to today’s surprises assuring me that victory is already mine despite my circumstances.

In Sunday’s Word and Faith, I was reminded of a time in the spring of 2011 when I studied Luke 5:1-11 as prompted by the Holy Spirit to address my then circumstances. During that time and again this week, I was reminded of how we are to be obedient to God’s Word even though we don’t want to, feel like it or think it is a good idea. Yet when we are obedient we will be blessed abundantly.

God’s simple requests of us are oftentimes stepping stones to His greatest blessings. Although we may view these lesser events as unimportant, the Lord sees them as a big deal. The apostle Peter is a wonderful example of a man who took small steps to a great destiny. When Jesus asked Peter to take Him out in his boat, the fisherman could have said no. After all, he’d put in a full night’s work and was probably exhausted. But by taking this small step, Peter received a front-row seat to hear the greatest teacher on earth, and he began a life-changing adventure.

Although Jesus’ first request was fairly ordinary, His next suggestion would challenge everything Peter knew to be logical. Heading into deep water at midday for the purpose of catching fish was ludicrous to this fishing expert. Sometimes God asks us to do what seems unreasonable to us or others. Just remember that the Lord is not obligated to work within the realm of what’s normal or logical. If Peter had refused this unusual request, he would have missed the biggest catch of his life—and I don’t mean the fish.

This miracle opened Peter’s eyes to catch sight of his Messiah. When he got out of that boat, the fish meant nothing to him because Jesus became his everything. The Lord isn’t waiting for us to do some big, impressive task for Him; He’s simply calling us to obey Him one small step at a time. Don’t miss the great adventure God has for you. Even when His ways seem unreasonable, follow Him faithfully, and your destiny will unfold before your eyes. (Small Steps to a Great Destiny/ Luke 5:1-11/excerpt from the Word for You Today Devotional/May 2011)

In another miraculous catch of fish, Jesus continues to lead us – He gets Peter to do things he already knows how to do only a little differently. All night they fished. Cast and pull. Nothing. Then, as day was breaking, the disciples heard “Cast your net on the right side of the boat and you will find some.” (John 21:1-14). This passage in its entirety reminded me of some important principles, wait on God, when you are not sure what to do next - do the next thing, Jesus is in complete control, Jesus is always graciously leading and serving us - even when we cannot see it.

This Sunday, I received fresh revelation as to my own response to Jesus’ “Follow me” particularly regarding employment. Rather than yes or no I have been responding Yes, but I will do it on my own terms. Since 2013, I have been choosing to be loved yet not fully led by God because I was not fully surrendering to Him (cease resistance and submit to God’s authority). I chose employment based on stature, location, and salary instead of how God could use me to make an impact for His Kingdom!

Too often, when I blow it, I am most tempted to go to what I know – my safety net instead of pressing on recognizing that I am tethered to God’s love and leading.

“It is when you push against the rock that you become strong – whether the rock moves or not. It is when you obey and cast your net on the other side that the net is filled, and a way is opened up for deeper fellowship with Jesus” – Rodney J. Buchanan 

Is God undeniably reaching out to you? I encourage you to go deeper and cast your nets trusting Him to provide. Seek Him first and watch what happens.

Create a great day and live an even greater life in Him!
May you be richly blessed, highly favored and deeply loved!

His humble servant, Your sister in Christ!
