Sunday, 1 September 2013

Testimony from a pure heart and steadfast spirit (Psalm 51:10)

So what’s new? I am a living, breathing testimony of a transformed life.

Finally after years of struggling with worry, anxiety and seasonal depression I can confidently say by God’s grace I am free. I know without a doubt that God loves me unconditionally, that his promises are fresh each day that he is faithful and I am finally able to trust him in all the areas of my life.

Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing
and perfect. Romans 12:2

The Holy Spirit, whispered this verse to my heart almost a year ago, and it has been stirring in my spirit gradually revealing to me the importance of disciplining my mind, filling it with the gospel and God’s promises. After all, as it says in 2 Corinthians 4:4 “I am a believer, and the light of the gospel shines in my mind” or in 1 Corinthians 2:16 “…but we have the mind of Christ.” The life application bible also states that “only when the Holy Spirit renews, reeducates and redirects our mind are we truly transformed.”

So, (analytical person that I am) I began to wonder if I have the mind of Christ and the Holy Spirit stirring in me why am I still consumed by worry and anxiety? Then in a message from Joyce Meyer, I learned that all things Christ like already dwell in us- in our spirit; it is my responsibility to develop it, nurture it and tend to it so that it can bear fruit. It is a process (difficult to accept for a reformed perfectionist such as myself) that requires daily practice, discipline, vulnerability to cry out to God and a willingness to persevere and not give up despite unbearable circumstances.

So I began the daily practice of renewing my mind with God’s promises particularly when stress (this bible study on Stressed Less Living is such a blessing), worry and anxiety continued to touch me and I persevered although nothing seemed to change in my heart.

Finally, in desperation I cried out to God – “take this from me”. I surrendered control and gave God the reigns. I even prayed for a move of God. However, in my flesh I chose to maintain the status quo being familiar and comfortable in what I knew so well despite the pattern of anxiety I had created and couldn’t get free from. So I continued to do what I felt comfortable doing, renewing my mind, praying and hoping that God would move.

In the meantime, on April 21st I took a step of obedience and was water baptized declaring publically that I would no longer waiver and that I was choosing in to Jesus and 100% committed to God's purpose in my life. It wasn’t until I took ownership/responsibility for the stress and anxiety that I created that God got involved and fixed it by the power of the Holy Spirit – this shift allowed me to see things differently and begin to think differently.

Although I don't know exactly what's next for me, I am at peace, trusting and relying on God to lead me. I am grateful that by his grace I have been released from stress, anxiety and worry. It is a miracle and with all certainty I know that this is God’s will not mine. I firmly believe that God will direct my path and open the right door for me to walk through in his perfect timing.

In the past year God has opened the eyes of my heart revealing to me the depth of his love, his promises and his everlasting faithfulness; showing me that nothing is possible without his intervention. Finally, I recognized the truth of the living God and chose to have a relationship with him instead of being strictly bound by religion and the law.

Now I see that all that is required of me is an intimate relationship with the living God, a step of faith and a commitment to continue living a transformed life.

On a final note, often when I study a scripture verse, I also cross reference with other similar verses to gain a better understanding of God’s commands and promises. Here is what I found in reference to Romans 12:2; Put on your new nature, and be renewed as you learn to know your Creator and become like him. “ Colossians 3:10 “Instead, let the Spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes. 24 Put on your new nature, created to be like God—truly righteous and holy.” Ephesians 4:23-24

Knowing that God’s commands are active is comforting and reassuring and removes anxiety and worry about getting it perfect from the get go. We truly serve a merciful God.

I encourage you to invite Jesus to be Lord over your life and spend time with Him every day. Ask the Holy Spirit to lead and guide you through every moment of your day. Then wait and see what he has planned for you.

Thank you for reading my first blog. May it provide encouragement and reassurance of God’s promises.

May you be richly blessed and honored with favor.
With a grateful heart, yours in Christ

All text between quotation marks are taken directly from the NLT Life Application Bible

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