Sunday, 17 September 2023

Be strong and take heart and wait for the LORD


I can wait on the Lord by trusting him!

I can wait on the Lord by seeking him!

I can wait on the Lord through prayer!

While I wait on the Lord I dig deeper into His word, seek His intimate presence, worship Him and give Him all my praises.

No matter how anxious I may feel or how uncomfortable it may get I am trusting God by obeying the word he gave me for 2023 and reminded me of yesterday - (Psalm 27:13-14) Chantale you can believe that you shall look upon the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living! Chantale wait for the LORD; be strong, and let (allow and accept) your heart take courage; wait for the Lord.

God is so faithful. I love the way he connects the dots between his word

and my life. This year’s word started with a prayer to be still and know God. Sometimes during my recovery zoom meetings I color, but this time I reached for a different box of pencils and imagine my surprise when I saw this and read the scripture confirming my posture for 2023: Wait! 

In the dictionary, the definition for wait is  to delay action until a particular time or event.

In God’s kingdom wait translates to trust. Trust is the action I take because of faith.

Faith is defined as “the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen”

(Hebrews 11:1).

Faith involves trusting in something I cannot prove. Faith is inseparable from trust;

it’s the confidence/ hope I have that God can and will do what He says in His Word. 

Waiting for God is not easy. Often it seems that he isn’t answering then I

get fearful and go about figuring it out instead of trusting and hoping in him.

Ann Voskamp says: "Waiting isn’t passive — waiting is passion: waiting is loving long

enough to suffer. Waiting is the patience of the long suffering of letting go.

Letting go of the plan, the dream, the map, the vision. Letting the ground of things,

the things that you made your ground, letting them give way.

Waiting is a letting go to let something grow."

Got questions . org helped me to better understand what it means to wait

on the Lord. And what if anything I could do to maintain that posture.

“Patient, confident trust in the Lord is the central idea of the exhortation to wait on the Lord.”

“Waiting on the Lord involves the confident expectation of a positive result

in which we place a great hope. This expectation is based on knowledge of

and trust in God. Those who do not know the Lord will not wait on Him;

neither will those who fail to trust Him.”

Through patient, courageous, active trusting, seeking, and prayer,

I am obediently learning to wait on the Lord.

While I wait on the Lord I dig deeper into His word, seek His intimate presence,

worship Him and give Him all my praises.


Create a great day and live a better life for God's glory!

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