How do we define expectation? According to the dictionary it is "a strong belief that something will happen or be the case in the future." So why is it then that often our reality has not lived up to our expectations?
I am sure that as a child there were many times when my reality didn't align with my expectations. Yet today I want to focus on times in my career where this was the case. In one of my first roles as a medical laboratory technologist, I accepted a supervisory position at a newly operational Urgent Care Centre - that entire year, I did everything imaginable to "exceed expectations", I set up standard operating procedures, built relationships with everyone involved , managed staff and demonstrated excellent customer service. I truly believed that I went above and beyond in my job an expected to me recognized (and rewarded) accordingly at the time of my annual performance review. Instead, despite my ability to demonstrate that I had clearly exceeded expectations, I was provided with a satisfactory review which indicated that I met expectations and still had room to grow. I argued that if I did not qualify as "exceeding expectations" in this transition/growth year how could I ever expect to achieve such a status in subsequent years. The response was a corporate one at best - only a chosen few would be recognized and rewarded for this achievement and I was not one of them. Which leaves me wondering what is the point of having expectations?
Fast forward to present day, I am currently seeking employment as my term comes to an end on September 30th. I have applied and interviewed for three positions to date. Each time expecting that this could be the one and then being disappointed when it's not. While some may argue that it is best not to have expectations or to keep them low - for me it is those very expectations that motivate me to press on, prepare and present my best self. I do however admit that at times it can drain my energy and can sap my mood. So then what do I do when reality has not lived up to my expectations?
I choose to turn to God and his promises. I choose to live in faith expecting the best knowing that God has a plan for my life!
How then is faith any different from expectations? Faith, by definition is a strong belief in God, complete trust and confidence in His promises. It is hopeful combining assurance and anticipation. Based on past experiences, I am confident that His promises are surely meant for me.
In my previous experience, unmet expectations have led to heartache, disappointment and self-doubt whereas faith has caused me to look up, focus on the greatness of who He is instead of the problem, and to rest knowing that he has my back. With each prospective employment opportunity, I am learning to trust God more because I know that he will never leave me nor forsake me (Hebrews 13:5 ), that He has a plan and a purpose for my life (Jeremiah 29:11-13), and that if I remain in Him and He in me, I will bear much fruit (John 15:4-6).
Setting false expectations dampens my mood and energy, it leaves me frustrated and relying on myself to figure things out. When I choose faith, God walks along side of me, I trust Him, trust the process and trust that my best self will shine through!
May you be richly blessed and encouraged as you seek God and His promises for yourself!
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