Tuesday, 8 September 2015

The Potter's rib

Perhaps it is because I am stubborn or maybe because I have difficulty relinquishing control, either way I have noticed that God typically has to prompt me a few times before I connect the dots or get the message! This particular conviction relates to a revelation I had about my attitude towards my husband and how I am responsible for being life giving in God’s hands.

Lately, I have been frustrated by my thoughts and behaviors towards my husband – I shifted my thoughts to act out of unconditional love and, to picture him as Jesus with skin on yet the words out of my mouth and my actions didn’t reflect the same. This progressed to venting and complaining about my husband so much so that following our conversation my girlfriend e-mailed me suggesting counseling to keep the lines of communication open. Her remark hit me hard – was I that harsh? I felt condemned for being a poor witness and I want you to know that no matter how this may sound – I truly and deeply love my husband – unfortunately, I had been letting life get the better of me and despite prayer wasn’t taking my cares to God first. (Lesson #1: like David, cry out to God first).

Then on the weekend, as I was listening to Lysa Terkeurst (daily bible study/devotional accessible with my first5 app) God prompted me a second time. Through Genesis 2:21-23 I was reminded that woman was created, not of dust of the earth, but from a rib of Adam, he gave her life. The way God created her speaks to the foundation of their relationship – inseparable unity and fellowship of life - one in which she is his helper, his equal and the giver of life.

Lysa went on to explain that a rib is also an instrument that a potter uses to shape, support and strengthen his creation. It is used to lift up the clay and provide stability when the potter’s hand is pushing from the other side. Therefore as a woman created from the rib of man I have the ability to

Build up or tear down
Support during shaping or warp and distort
Provide stability or instability

In the hands of the master potter I am life giving whereas in the hands of the enemy I cause death. (Lesson #2: remain in God and give life – John 15:4-6)

Dear Lord, guide me and help me to always speak life. Help me to be his helper, your instrument, help me to remain in you and show me how to encourage, love and affirm my husband in all that I think, say and do. Amen (Lesson#3: surrender to God's plan)


  1. I read this with Chris this afternoon, on the day my younger brother Dominic is getting married to his beautiful bride Jenny. I am so thankful for these words and this reminder. You and I are so much alike Chantale; stubborn, leaders and woman who can have moments of feeling frustrated by our husband's...manly ways of doing this. :)

    Thanks for sending me the link to Lysa's Marriage Challenge, too! :)

  2. Thanks Rosie! I agree - we are also pursuing God and seeking the plan and purpose he has for us and our mates! Congrats on the wedding! I will likely blog on Lysa's marriage challenge - as soon as I take the time to read it and apply in my own marriage.
