#guardingyourheart -
is meant to serve as protection from people, thoughts, attitudes and behaviors
that might be unhealty and/or hinder me from living life on purpose - yet out
of fear, I have been known to take it to the extreme leading to isolation,
tangled thoughts, and a hardened heart - closed to accepting love (from self
and others). I hope you will join me for this series of posts as I remove layer
after layer sharing how I moved from fear to faith, from bound to free and from
forgotten to forgiven by guarding my heart.
Before we
delve into guarding your heart and what it may or may not mean and whether or
not you should or shouldn’t guard your heart there are a few things you need to
know about me and what I believe to be the truth of the gospel.
I do not
proclaim to be neither preacher nor teacher; I am a child of God who seeks a
more intimate relationship with Him through the finished work of His son Jesus
on the cross. As a result, I choose to share my faith journey to encourage and
draw others near to God knowing that without Him I would still be forgotten,
unworthy of love and fearful.
I believe…
1- God is love and there is no
condemnation in His love!
For God so
loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should
not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world
to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.
John 3:16-17.
2- In the message of salvation!
I believe. Jesus redeems, God
forgives and the Holy Spirit renews! That is the message of salvation in eight powerful words as per the
bible (Titus 3:4-8)
3- In guarding your heart for out of it spring
the issues of life! (Proverbs 4:23)
The word
heart deals with my soul – my thought life, my emotions, and the beliefs that
motivate me and mold me.
In the
context of this blog, the heart is my
thought life because my thoughts control the rest of my life. My thoughts
determine my attitudes which lead to my actions. “As a man thinks in his heart,
so is he” (Proverbs 23:7).
So as you
join me on this journey, I encourage you to WATCH and pray making discoveries
of your own to guard your heart.
W- Watch your Words.
A- Watch your Actions.
T- Watch your Thoughts.
C- Watch your Character.
H- Watch your Heart.
- - Paraphrased
from Ralph Waldo Emerson
Pray your
heart belongs to God first.
Create a
great day and live a greater life in Him!
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