Friday 18 August 2017

The Heart matters!

Although I initially set out to write 30 posts in 30 days; I have come to realize that being creative, no matter the medium is more meaningful to my heart! As a result, yesterday's post (day 10) turned out to be this heartfelt card created for a colleague who despite being retired chooses not only to come visit (from Mexico) but come work with us during our Canadian summer. Now that's dedication!

As the inscription inside the card indicates, a song of the heart can never be caged; similarly, our longing for meaning cannot be filled by pursuing things that are not eternal. I believe that God created us with a heart that has a "hole" that can only be filled by an intimate relationship with Him.

How do I know this? By experience, by trial and error, by seeking to fill it with things of this world such as unhealthy relationships, work, shopping, spending beyond my means, control, worry, fear and anxiety - yes believe it or not, I even used negativity and insecurity to try and fill my "God-shaped hole" because although it was negative, it was familiar and although it didn't bring happiness, it brought a degree of comfort for a season. After many years of chasing happiness and worshiping the wrong things I came to realize that " as a square peg cannot fill a round hole, neither can the "God-shaped hole" inside of me be filled by anyone or anything other than God."

(for more on this concept, click on the following link

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