Sunday 20 August 2017

Point to Ponder: Growing in Grace and Love

Image result for images of grace growers

In my experience, the most challenging part about walking with God in Jesus' steps is learning to love unconditionally. It may be easy to love a puppy, a new born baby or your significant other this way; however, it can become challenging when people rub you the wrong way. Too often, because of our innate nature/need to be right, we do not see eye to eye with family, friends, colleagues, people in our community, and this leads to disagreement, offense, judgment and division. Admittedly, in as much as I have encountered people like this, I have also been this person to others and because of that, I rely on the Bible and the promise of God's Word to get me through. While some may consider difficult people to be unloveable or sandpaper people I like to consider them as grace growers - people that help me extend grace and practice unconditional love.

Grace in the biblical sense is known as God's Riches At Christ's Expense; it is undeserved, unmerited, unearned favor! Because Jesus experience the ultimate sacrifice (death on the cross) for me and my wrongdoings (sin), how much more am I called to do the same for the people on my path? And, what does it look like to walk in grace and unconditional love? 

According to the Bible, I am to let the peace of Jesus rule my heart (Colossians 3:15a); as I have noted in previous posts, because the heart houses our soul where our will, feelings and thoughts reside it can be easily conflicted or led astray. Therefore, it is important, particularly when conflicted, to choose to align with the peace of God. This implies walking in His ways and steering clear of relationship breakers such as those mentioned in Colossians 3:8 and expressing relationship builders such as tenderhearted mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience (Colossians 3:12).  It requires "Making allowance for each other’s faults, and forgiving anyone who offends you. Remembering, the Lord forgave you, so you must forgive others. Above all, clothing yourselves with love, which binds us all together in perfect harmony" (Colossians 3:13-14).

Practically speaking it has meant, biting my tongue and praying under my breath when my mother wants to tell me how to cook- despite the fact that I have been doing it for years, praying blessings and forgiving my former husband instead of spreading complaints, complementing a colleague on her appearance or something she has done right instead of unduly criticizing her work and providing a gift to my neighbor instead of gossiping about his ways. It means extending the same grace that God extended me, demonstrating love without judgment or any expectation of anything in return and being a peacemaker instead of a peacekeeper.

For more insight, wisdom and practical steps to the practice and discipline of grace and love click on the links below.

The art of loving unloveable people

Sandpaper people by Mary Southerland

Offering heartfelt prayers for grace and love to abound from your heart into all your relationships. Amen

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