With the revelation that God is about relationship not rules and progress not perfection, I willingly started giving my cares to Him. Trusting Him completely – This has saved me much, worry, anxiety, and wasted time trying to figure things out for myself. As in Zephaniah 3:17 “with His love, he calms my fears.”
In my experience of Faith – God connects the dots of my past experiences and revelations to today’s circumstances creating a picture which assures me and reMINDs me that victory is already mine.
It is also my experience that to truly know God and His promises I must engage in love as stated in 1 John 3:11 [ Love One Another ] For this is the message that you have heard from the beginning, that we should love one another, embrace hope as stated in Psalm 78:7 so that they should set their hope in God and not forget the works of God, but keep his commandments; and be encouraged in faith as stated in Romans 1:12 that is, that we may be mutually encouraged by each other's faith, both yours and mine.
However, I cannot rely on someone else’s faith to carry me through, I need to believe for myself the reality of who and what it is I am hoping for - Jesus. Unfortunately, when I allow the pressures of life and the world to crowd my soul, I hinder my faith and while I can be encouraged by others, I must first return to God in reverence and acknowledge His perfect love for myself. It is His love that kindles my faith.
Developing and practicing genuine faith is key. Faith’s fluidity is what moves me from seeking to believing to assurance. Practically, genuine faith can be demonstrated in several ways. First, draw near to God in the Spirit; in this time of solitude focus on “ACTS – Adoration| Confession| Thanksgiving | Supplication”. Then read and reflect on His Word pondering any revelations He may have and take time to write or listen more closely. I also enjoy soaking in praise and worship and being in prayer with Him throughout my day.
In the flesh, practicing genuine faith looks like imitating Christ; showing love, encouragement, joy, peace, patience and purity – shining light wherever I go! By no means do I do so PERFECTLY; but by God’s grace I can be consistent and not explode when things go awry (for the most part)!
In my soul (heart), practicing genuine faith involves obedience, maintaining a clear conscience, remaining steadfast, persevering even when I don’t see results, trusting God’s timing and nailing my pride to the wall. I struggle with my soul the most. Often, I resist because of emotions, offense and lack of desire or laziness and complacency.
Ultimately, my desired outcome is complete abandonment to God! Practically, if I am still breathing, I know I can expect that kind of abandonment to be an ongoing struggle. Yet I now know that with God all things are possible! The fearful child has become the faith-filled daughter of the King doing her utmost to love mightily, serve purposefully and leave the rest to God!
And without faith it is impossible to please him, for whoever would draw near to God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him. Hebrews 11:6
Faith | Forgoing ALL I Trust Him.
There was a time when I believed that my struggles, were numerous and varied because I would be called to minister to women of similar circumstances and for that reason I persevered. While that may be true as my end state in faith is to Love Others to Victory through Encouragement, Edification and Exhortation. I wore – abandonment, rejection, abuse, alcoholism, perfectionism, fear, sickness, divorce, depression, job loss, cancer, conflict etc. as a badge of honor out of pride for my ability to be strong and overcome.
(like a stack of blocks one on top of each other although it appears like a strong tower eventually it starts to fall down)
God in His infinite wisdom used those very circumstances to show me the meaning of genuine faith. What I used to gain attention, acceptance and approval, He used as building blocks of faith to set
upon His foundation of love.
(like a stack of blocks on a solid foundation – side by side forming a wall of everlasting strength – protection, provision and providence).
This provided me with an eternal perspective of life’s circumstances – shifting my mind-set and transforming my heart so that I could see and believe that trust in Him is better than relying on myself. Life happens with or without us so why not have some added assurance and joy by choosing to believe the reality that Jesus has already fulfilled for us.

to give Him honor and glory. Forgoing ALL I Trust Him!
Come on, join me! All it takes is one step of faith! What are you waiting for?
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